There are telephone and online support services for people affected by mental health issues, with targeted services on particular issues or for particular groups in the community.
Service | Focus | Phone number | Operating hours |
Emergency | Emergency assistance | 000 | 24 hours/7 days |
NURSE-ON-CALL | Expert health advice from a nurse | 1300 60 60 24 | 24 hours/7 days |
VAHI mental health services directory | For people seeking a specialist mental health response that will identify the urgency and nature of response required | Phone numbers are available in each area | 24 hours/7 days |
Beyond Blue | Depression, anxiety and related disorders | 1300 22 4636 | 24 hours/7 days |
Lifeline | Crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services | 13 11 14 | 24 hours/7 days |
SANE | People affected by complex mental health issues | 1800 187 263 | Mon – Fri 10am – 8pm |
ARAFMI Carer Helpline | Carers and families of people affected by mental illness | 1300 554 660 | 24 hours/7 days |
For specific groups in the community
Service | Focus | Phone number | Operating hours |
Kids Helpline | Telephone counselling service for people aged between 5 and 25 / 24-hour service | 1800 55 1800 | 24 hours/7days |
headspace | Young people aged 12–25 | 1800 650 890 | 9am – 1am/7 days |
Parentline | Parents and carers with children from birth to 18 years | 13 22 89 | 8 am – midnight/7 days |
Safe Steps (Family Violence Response Centre) | Family violence support | 1800 015 188 | 24 hours/7 days |
Gay and Lesbian Switchboard | Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) communities. | 1800 729 367 (Vic) 1800 184 527 (Aus) | 10am – 5pm/7 days (Vic) 3pm – 12am/7 days (Aus) |
Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria | Victims/survivors of past and recent sexual assault | 1800 806 292 | 5 pm – 9 am/7 days |
Griefline | Support for experiencing loss and grief | 1300 845 745 | 8am – 8pm/7 days |
DirectLine | People impacted by drug use | 1800 888 236 | 24 hours/7 days |
Family Drug and Gambling Help | People impacted by drug use and gambling | 1300 660 068 | 24 hours/7 days |
SuicideLine Victoria | People affected by suicide | 1300 651 251 | 24 hours/7 days |
PANDA | People planning, starting or raising a family | 1300 726 306 | Mon – Fri 10am – 8pm Saturdays 9am – 4pm |
Gambler's Help Youthline | Gambling support for people under 25 | 1800 262 376 | 24 hours/7 days |
OCD and Anxiety helpline | Anxiety disorders and depression | 1300 269 438 or 9830 0533 | Mon – Fri 10am–4pm |
Mensline | Men with concerns about mental health, anger, violence, addiction, stress, relationships. | 1300 78 99 78 | 24 hours/7 days |
Bush Support Line | People in rural and remote areas | 1800 805 391 | 24 hours/7 days |
Suicide call back | 24-hour crisis support and counselling | 1300 659 467 | 24 hours/7 days |
Reviewed 17 December 2024
- Hospitals & health services
- Public hospitals in Victoria
- Rural health
- Improving Access to Primary Care in Rural and Remote Areas Initiative
- Rural x-ray services
- Rural health regions and locations
- Rural and regional medical director role
- Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
- Rural and isolated practice registered nurses
- Urgent care in regional and rural Victoria
- Private health service establishments
- Private hospitals
- Day procedure centres
- Mobile health services
- Fees for private health service establishments in Victoria
- Design resources for private health service establishments
- Professional standards in private health service establishments
- Legislation updates for private health service establishments
- Complaints about private health service establishments
- Cosmetic procedures
- Guideline for providers of liposuction
- Private hospital funding agreement
- Primary & community health
- Local Public Health Units
- Integrated care
- Maternal and Child Health Service
- Nursery Equipment Program
- Maternal and Child Health Service Framework
- Maternal and Child Health Service resources
- Child Development Information System
- Early parenting centres
- Maternal Child and Health Reporting, Funding and Data
- Baby bundle
- Sleep and settling
- Maternal and Child Health Workforce professional development
- Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health
- Public health
- Cemeteries and crematoria
- Cemetery trust member appointments
- Cemetery search
- Cemeteries and crematoria complaints
- Cremations
- Exhumations
- Governance and finance
- Cemetery grants
- Interments and memorials
- Land and development
- Legislation governing Victorian cemeteries and crematoria
- Cemeteries and crematoria publications
- Repatriations
- Rights of interment
- Medicines and Poisons Regulation
- Patient Schedule 8 treatment permits
- Schedule 8 MDMA and Schedule 8 psilocybine
- Schedule 9 permits for clinical trials
- Documents and forms to print or download
- Legislation and Approvals
- Frequently Asked Questions - Medicines and Poisons Regulation
- Health practitioners
- Licences and permits to possess (& possibly supply) scheduled substances
- Medicinal cannabis
- Pharmacotherapy (opioid replacement therapy)
- Recent updates
- SafeScript
- Environmental health
- Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's inner west
- Climate and weather, and public health
- Environmental health in the community
- Environmental health in the home
- Environmental health professionals
- Face masks for environmental hazards
- Human health risk assessments
- Lead and human health
- Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
- Pesticide use and pest control
- Immunisation
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation
- Seasonal influenza vaccine
- Immunisation schedule and vaccine eligibility criteria
- Ordering vaccine
- Immunisers in Victoria
- Immunisation provider information
- Cold chain management
- Adverse events following immunisation reporting
- Vaccine error management
- Vaccination for infants and children
- Vaccination for adolescents
- Vaccination program for adults
- Vaccination for special-risk groups
- Victorian coverage rates for Victoria
- Infectious diseases guidelines & advice
- Infection control guidelines
- Disease information and advice
- Advice to the cruise industry: reporting infections
- Notifiable infectious diseases, conditions and micro-organisms
- Notification procedures for infectious diseases
- Infectious diseases surveillance in Victoria
- Germicidal ultraviolet light
- Protecting patient privacy in Victoria
- Tobacco reforms
- Tobacco reform legislation and regulations
- Quitting smoking and vaping
- Tobacco and e-cigarette retailers
- Making a report or complaint
- Resources and factsheets
- Mental health
- About Victoria's mental health services
- Area-based services
- Statewide and specialist mental health services
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals
- Mental Health Community Support Services
- Support and intervention services
- Language services - when to use them
- Access to mental health services across areas
- Transport for people in mental health services
- Alcohol & drugs
- Alcohol and other drug treatment services
- Overview of Victoria's alcohol and drug treatment system
- Pathways into alcohol and other drugs treatment
- Community-based AOD treatment services in Victoria
- Drug rehabilitation plan
- Hospital-based services
- Forensic services
- Pharmacotherapy treatment
- Services for Aboriginal people
- Services for young people
- Statewide and specialist services
- Compulsory treatment
- Family and peer support
- Alcohol and other drug service standards and guidelines
- Alcohol and other drug client charter and resources
- Alcohol and other drug treatment principles
- Service quality and accreditation
- Alcohol and other drug program guidelines
- Maintenance pharmacotherapy
- Specialist Family Violence Advisor capacity building program in mental health and alcohol and other drug services - Victoria
- Drug alerts
- Ageing & aged care
- My Aged Care assessment services
- Dementia-friendly environments
- Designing for people with dementia
- Maintaining personal identity
- Personal enjoyment
- Interior design
- Dining areas, kitchens and eating
- Bedrooms and privacy
- Bathrooms
- Gardens and outdoor spaces
- Assistive technology
- Staff education and support
- Strategies, checklists and tools
- References
- About us
- Our Strategic Plan 2023-27 (2024 update)
- Our organisation
- Our secretary
- Leadership charter
- Our department
- Our vision and values
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy
- Our ministers
- Health workforce
- Working in health
- Information sharing and MARAM
- Victorian Public Healthcare Awards
- Aboriginal healthcare workers
- Allied health workforce
- Education and training
- Enterprise agreements
- Worker health and wellbeing
- Our campaigns